Cohort Learning Programs

Advance your skills and the capacity of your development team by participating in intensive, cohort-based programs. Members receive discounted rates and advance notice of these popular offerings.

Fundraising Certificate

A six-month online training and coaching program from which participants leave with a strategic development plan and 19 CFRE credits.

Join Us from January to June 2025 to Gain the Confidence, Knowledge, and Skills Necessary to Strengthen Your Organization’s Development Program!

Through online training, peer working sessions, and individualized coaching with our instructor, Jenn Hayslett, participants will develop a strategic fundraising plan and present it to their learning group in June. Graduates are eligible for 19 CFRE credits.

The 2025 course is full and underway. Applications for the 2026 program will open in October 2025. If you are interested in receiving advance notice of the application opening, please add your name to the Inquiry List here.

Learn more about the program here

Zoom Photo of People Celebrating
"Before this course, I had no idea how to start a development plan or what to focus on in fundraising. Now I understand the process of creating a plan, I am more comfortable with fundraising and I have a written document to guide our efforts."

Fundraising Essentials for Executive Directors

A three-month online training to help nonprofit executives triage their time resourcing the work of their organizations.

Join Us to Demystify the Funding Landscape, Focus Your Efforts, and Build a Supportive Network

A nonprofit's Executive Director plays a critical role in raising funds to advance the mission of the organization. But many EDs come to the job with little or no fundraising experience.

If you could use an introduction or refresher on the basics of fundraising, join a cohort of your peers who -- whether working on their own or supervising development staff -- face the daily and daunting task of ensuring the financial viability of their organizations.

You will leave this highly interactive course with a framework for the world of nonprofit fundraising, practical skills and guides, and a network to support you as you attract increased funding to your organization.

The next course will be offered in the Fall of 2025. If you would like to receive advance notice of the application opening, please add your name to Inquiry List.

Learn more about the program here. 

Three people listening to a presentation
“THANK YOU! I'm really grateful to have participated and received financial support especially at this early stage. I'm leaving with lots to think about and a much more comprehensive understanding of how I can set a development person up for success (and help them succeed) once I have the resources to hire one AND a much better idea of how to plan for, contract with, and manage my board around development rather than just governance.”

Nonprofit Learning Institute

Presented by Bank of America and Philanthropy Massachusetts, the Nonprofit Learning Institute (NPLI) is a four-part cohort series for executive leaders of nonprofit organizations. Sessions focus on building the capacity of NPOs and fostering leaders throughout the Commonwealth. 

Over the past 13 years, NPLI has strengthened the sector by developing the skills of nearly 300 nonprofit leaders in the areas of strategic planning, finance, board development, and fundraising.

We will not be offering this program in 2025.
NPLI attendees mingling at a table
"As a new (and young) executive director, this series was incredibly helpful. I've used a lot of the information and tools in everyday work life."
To learn more about which cohort program is right for you, please contact Nonprofit Programs Manager Phyllis Corkum
617.426.2606 x139
Phyllis Corkum profile picture