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Amplifying Voices

Elevating the voices and experiences of those who have been historically silenced, misunderstood, or oppressed is critical if philanthropy wants to shift the inherent power imbalance that exists and has existed for hundreds of years in the United States between those with resources and those with far less. Join us for a conversation among funders as we amplify voices of those working in partnership with under-resourced, marginalized and dis-invested communities. You’ll hear of the remarkable work and positive impact on peoples’ lives throughout the Commonwealth, and how you, as a funder, can be an ally and support that work.

With ongoing conversations pertaining to race, equity, diversity and inclusion, in this program you’ll: 1) hear the origins of each represented fund and why your investments matter, 2) make connections to your own priorities and areas of work, 3) receive data (both quantitative and qualitative) that indicates current funding (and other) gaps and needs and 4) be in a stronger, more informed position to partner with communities of color. Your work is already touching many communities through grantmaking, research, convenings, policy and advocacy. Allow your philanthropic dollars to do more, while decreasing harm to communities.

For information on the underinvestment in the featured communities, we encourage you to review:We’ll hear from:*The Latino Equity, Asian Community, and Equality Funds are based at The Boston Foundation.