MA Arts Funders Network Meeting: Impact of the New Federal Administration on Arts & Culture Sector
Join your peer arts funders to share insights about what to anticipate from this new federal administration.
- What is becoming more clear, and what still remains uncertain?
- What are the impacts on the arts and culture sector that we already know about, and what else do we anticipate?
- How are funders expecting this environment impacting their strategies?
We hope to create space for arts funders to share what they are seeing and how they are reacting with their peers. This will be an open space, informed by what data we have so far. The meeting will not be recorded.
About the Network:
Massachusetts Arts Funders Network bi-monthly meetings provide a learning opportunity on an issue or trend facing the arts and cultural community coupled with a chance to network and update colleagues on their current work, challenges, and opportunities in a roundtable format.