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Program Staff Learning Network Meeting: Effective Board Engagement Techniques

One of the most important jobs as program officers is to effectively communicate information to trustees and grantmaking committees to facilitate their funding decisions. This becomes even more important as we advance in our careers and have increasing exposure to our trustees. How do we ensure that we are presenting content that is compelling, clear, and concise that speaks to diverse boards? What do we see that has been effective or less effective? Who are our internal partners in preparing these communications?

During this session we will have the opportunity to learn from peers in the philanthropic sector about ways to approach this challenge/opportunity.Moderator: Cuong Hoang, Director of Programs, Mott Philanthropic

We hope you can join us!

About the Network:

The Learning Network convenes mid to senior level program staff who share elements of a common program staff job description but work across issue areas and types of funding institutions. The purpose of the Learning Network is to create an ongoing, safe space for mid to senior level program staff to learn together, furthering their professional development alongside their peers. To participate in the Learning Network you must meet the following two criteria:
  1. Have worked in a professional setting for at least 10 years.
  2. Currently situated in philanthropy at a foundation or grantmaking program as mid to senior level program staff