The State of Diversity in the Nonprofit Sector, a Program with Candid
With tens of thousands of nonprofits sharing demographic data via their Candid profiles, the social sector now has the data to move beyond intention and into action. In 2024,
Candid, a nonprofit organization that provides comprehensive data and insights about the social sector, released a report on
The State of Diversity in the U.S. Nonprofit Sector, analyzing demographic data from 59,550 public charities collected over the last five years. This report increases transparency about diversity in the sector, highlights key findings about the demographics of the sector at a macro level, and offers a snapshot and baseline for demographics in the sector to better track our collective programs towards diversity, equity, and inclusion.
In this conversation, you will learn how Candid collects standardized demographic data from nonprofits and how funders are leveraging this data to address disparities and inequities across the sector. Members of the Candid team will dive into the reasoning, methodology, and data from the report, and present Massachusetts-specific findings. We will also hear from Philanthropy MA Member, Ellen Dickenson, Senior VP, Research Analytics & Planning at the
United Way of Massachusetts Bay, who will share how UWMB is contributing to the data and applying the findings to expand networks and applicant pools.
Join us to learn about the report findings, how to access Candid’s demographic data, and how the data and findings can support and enhance your work.